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WarrenOrileДата: Понедельник, 15.06.2020, 20:38 | Сообщение # 616
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VernonronДата: Четверг, 18.06.2020, 12:55 | Сообщение # 619
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Pm defends protest comments, says it has lost interest in a policy of'soft power', talks of nationalising rail firms

Scottish Conservative MEP David Mundell has defended the use of'soft power' as he announced the launch of a £2.2bn scheme to help poor people in Scotland.

Mundell has called for the Scottish government to adopt new, more flexible policies on welfare, investment in education and public transport, after David Cameron called for welfare reform and a relaxation of restrictions on non-domiciled migrants in May.

He said: "It is clear to me today that the government needs to embrace this new reality – that we are going to have to find ways of changing our policies for the better, especially on welfare, if we are to attract the kind of labour force that will build the economy of the future for years to come.

"We need the Scottish Conservatives to put hard power before soft power because the Conservatives have lost interest in the kind of soft power they once had.

"Soft power, that which comes with easy economic deals and concessions, isn't about trying to make people feel better, it is about making them feel worse in many circumstances.

"Our welfare reform is already helping around two million people a year and our policy on employment is helping thousands more people every year.

"It is clear that our policy of introducing tax incentives has had a hugely significant positive impact on employment. We can learn from our Scottish friends in our EU referendum vote.

"But we should take seriously a very different model of immigration that places real value on the skills and experiences of people who have been brought up in Scotland and work hard and contribute to the community, who live and work within our borders.

"This is going to be a huge opportunity to give more hope to communities that were left behind and put the needs of vulnerable people ahead of the needs of the benefit bill.

"The UK should be encouraging people to come to Scotland, and we should look at policies like this and the idea of new migrants coming from overseas. There are opportunities here, jobs here and the opportunities that the EU is providing – we should help to help to make it happen.

"For years, the Tories have looked at the issue of immigration as being part of the "other issue" with us being the main party with whom the British people are on good terms. That is no longer the case.

"The Conservative government should be talking to people, particularly the poor, about how we can better integrate these new arrivals. The Scottish Conservatives and I are standing for the same thing as David Cameron and the British people – a fairer, stronger and more prosperous UK.

"To ensure we can do so
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Environment centre calls for more transparency in government funding

The Liberal Party says the $2.6 billion in cuts outlined in Finance Minister Bill Morneau's budget are nothing new and the Liberals are now asking for better transparency.

The budget states the government is cutting $15 billion from the social programs and infrastructure the Liberals promised to increase spending during their May election platform.

That money includes $6.7 billion in reductions to the Employment Insurance program.

Morneau says he wants to reduce government spending more aggressively for the most needy in society.

The Liberal Party wants $2.6 billion in cuts to social programs over the next 10 years - $938 million for the Employment Insurance program and $1 billion for the Child Tax Benefit.

The Liberals plan to make the programs more expensive by increasing the age limits on the Earned Income Tax Credit, while reducing the maximum amount of child care entitlement benefits payable for each child each month.

'Big spenders'

The Liberals also want to reduce government funding for public hospitals and provincial health systems by 20 per cent from 2017 to 2020.

The Liberals also want to eliminate some of the government's top three priorities, including education, Indigenous-and-traditional-sports-related grants and a Liberal tax plan that would lower rates on high earners.

This budget, for the most part, leaves a lot of room for discussion about what's happening. - Justin Trudeau, Liberal leader

With the changes to government funding, Morneau says he will have "more flexibility for our communities to respond with services, to respond more effectively."

But Liberal spokesman Dominic LeBlanc says this doesn't necessarily mean that cuts to public services will be increased.

"This budget, for the most part, leaves a lot of room for discussion about what's happening," he said. "And if you're seeing some of that, or some of the same type of cuts that you saw in the <pre>election] election, I think you'll see the Liberals change some of that."

A senior government source told CBC News that while the budget is "the first time that I have heard of it," Morneau is planning to announce further details by the end of the month.

Morneau says he is taking the opposition and media comment seriously as part of an effort to make government more transparent.
ZacharyJonseДата: Четверг, 18.06.2020, 20:20 | Сообщение # 620
Группа: Гости

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VernonronДата: Суббота, 20.06.2020, 19:48 | Сообщение # 625
Группа: Гости

At least three petitions expressing opposition to the bill reached the 25,000-signature threshold on Sunday.

The petitions were filed by the Campaign for the Future of Youth (CFY) and the Association of Black Youth Leaders. Their letters, sent to Congresswoman Diana DeGette and other congressmen and women, are in response to comments made by Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), who suggested that the bill violates federal law.

"Your comments are reprehensible and I hope you will reconsider your bill to give students and adults the power to decide what to do with their own bodies, if anything," the CFY petition read. "If the Congress does pass your bill, why will our youth be at a greater risk?"

"We hope that you will reconsider this legislation, because it would be a huge mistake," read another CFY petition. "Congress could do the right thing, and this law would be passed without any concern from our youth, but the Congress of the United States might be able to stop a bill like this from becoming law, and thus end a decades long trend of violence against women, young people, and members of the LGBTQ community."

Another letter from the AFY said the legislation "encourages more young people to join gangs and engage in prostitution to support their families, to be drug-related or simply be forced into sex work."

A third petition, signed by over 70 youth leaders, also raised concerns with the bill, which states that anyone 21 or older, not just minors, can petition the House to overturn the bill, since they lack a college degree, are a victim of domestic violence, have a medical condition that could result in pregnancy or cannot pay their school fees, or are undocumented.

"Our nation has a deep commitment to protecting the dignity and the safety of all Americans," the petition's statement read. "We ask that Congress reject legislation that would undermine our rights as young people by turning them into the criminal of their own choice."
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Aussie dancer has trafalgar square swinging and dancing on a boat at a beach. Picture: Facebook

I was in the middle of my night and couldn't stop looking at the huge boat. It looked like there were 20 women and boys waiting outside with a few small men waiting behind them.

"You know what, I could live at a beach like this?" I said.

"Yes we would!"

"You're not going to stay? Come on, come on, come on. We'll have you there in time for dinner."

"I'll stay!"

There were girls and boys all around the boat!

"If you won't let us come to your place, I will have you killed," shouted the girls!

"I don't want to!" I said.

"No. Come back and get ready to dance. We'll let you have the girl you want."

A few more times.

In the end I agreed. I couldn't walk back home. I didn't want to risk the guy telling the police I had sex with a girl.

If you're lucky, the guy could have a gun and shoot me. If not, that's your prerogative. But the next best thing to be on a boat with all those boys is not a girl.

I decided to take a cab on the Aussie Dance in Melbourne's north. You need to get to the dance at least 20 minutes before it starts.

The boat ride home was awkward. The weather had turned dark. The taxi driver said he was a bit nervous and kept looking at me.

Then the taxi driver said he was going to have to change because the girl was inside the cab. So all he could tell me was that if I didn't leave he was going to kill me.

I decided not to listen to him but instead decided I would make him dance on the dock. My parents took me to my father's car and drove me back to my house.

I took it for the price he said it was.

There was a line to get on the boat.

I'd planned on dancing it out. My father thought I didn't really want to do it anyway.

Then I was handed a blue bikini with a long, black line at the top.

"I'll give you all the girls in the room."

We did it. Then we got back in the driver's car.

I sat there and laughed and cried the whole way. I'm not sure what he thought because after I had changed I got in the limo.

I got back in the limo, put on my blue bikini top, got change
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DavidNixДата: Суббота, 20.06.2020, 22:23 | Сообщение # 627
Группа: Гости

Share market shrugs off us rate rise

There's something refreshingly normal about the market's indifference, as though it's just going through the motions in order to avoid the consequences of its decisions. It seems like any news article, tweet, or blog post about Greece could be described as an attempt to avoid the big story that threatens to throw the markets all over the place: the prospect that governments in Greece and across Europe are now running out of ammunition.

But, actually, the markets are having a hard time getting around to it yet, despite the fact that we know their decision to cut rates from their record high of 8.25% to around 9% was based on their belief that Greece's fiscal problems were not severe enough. It was one of those "good news/bad news" moments, and the markets had no idea what to do with themselves, and what to do with the country they were stuck in a situation with no reason to worry.

Indeed, it was a moment that made the markets seem pretty desperate, and they got even more desperate when a poll suggested that almost half of Greek voters thought that the country was in a bad state, despite the fact that they just got a 6.9% increase in the unemployment rate, which is pretty remarkable.

The only way to get a positive picture on Greek health or the country's debt levels would be to simply be honest about what's wrong here: to admit that they're on the wrong side of the fence, and to admit that the government could still improve things on the right side of the fence if, in fact, it were willing to do so. And they've decided, instead, to be a little more cautious.

This should worry the public, because public opinion is not always the best arbiter of whether or not something is "good news". But, as with so many problems, it's the opinion polls which are key in judging the worth of news and opinion stories.

In the case of Greece, the opinion polls seem pretty much unanimous in their findings. The poll that came out this week from the survey firm YouGov said the country should run a deficit of 0.7% of GDP this year, which is the same size of an increase in the deficit as they had set last month. The poll also estimated that their debt is now at about 135% of GDP, which means that if they want to be considered a country on the path towards bankruptcy, this debt should be paid off within five years.

It's hard to say if the Greek government has done enough or bad enough about this debt, but if they want to run a deficit, they're going to need some serious help from outside the bailout program to ensure that their fiscal troubles are being looked at.

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Toot says trains go cheap – but could cost money to fix.

"If people are willing to pay for this, we're going to have to do it," she says.

It's a lot cheaper to get a fixed roof. Toot says one of the reasons for the price-cutting is a lack of people who know how to replace roofs.

She and her co-workers are hoping the low price can be put into effect within the next couple of years.
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